Modern-day novel writing Novel writing tips Writing advice

Joseph Campbell’s mythology: How to structure your story

Joseph Campbell was a writer who identified a structure common to many myths that he named the hero’s journey. You can use Joseph Campbell’s mythology to structure your own fiction regardless of the genre or type of story you want to tell.

Modern-day novel writing Novel writing tips

Novel ideas: An easy exercise for finding them

Finding fresh novel ideas is a daunting process, even when you know exactly the kind of story you want to tell. But sometimes you dont know what you want to write. That’s when an exercise for coming up with novel ideas is useful.

Modern-day novel writing Writing advice

Creating your own budget MFA in Creative Writing

Studying for an MFA in fiction writing can be expensive. Even though not everyone can afford to study creative writing at university, you can create your own budget MFA in creative writing.

Modern-day novel writing Novel writing tips

Modern-day Novel Writing

While many of us still love the idea of a cabin in the woods, next to a lake, with nothing but a notebook and fountain pen to dip into while inspiration flows, modern-day novel writing is much more about fitting writing into real life, and knowing the ins and outs of the writing process.

Modern-day novel writing Novel writing tips

Forward planning vs. creative freedom in writing

Planning ahead and allowing for inspiration are both important aspects of writing and finishing a novel, but it can seem difficult to balance them especially since there is a lot of conflicting advice from novelists and writing teachers. However, the tips below can help achieve that balance.

Books and reading Modern-day novel writing Writing advice

Creating mood like Haruki Murakami

Mood has a great deal to do with the success of a piece of fiction because it is related to how the story makes the reader feel. A writer aiming for a melancholy or surreal mood in fiction could study the novels of Japanese writer Haruki Murakami for tips on how to achieve those moods.

Modern-day novel writing Novel writing tips Writing advice

Understanding the snowflake method

There are nearly as many ways to approach writing a novel as there are writers, but many swear by an approach known as the snowflake method. Developed by writer Randy Ingermanson, the snowflake method can be particularly helpful to writers who prefer to plan extensively before setting out to write a novel.

Modern-day novel writing Novel writing tips Plotting Writing advice

Chekhov’s Gun: What it is and how to use it like a pro

‘Chekhov’s Gun’ is a concept that describes how every element of a story should contribute to the whole. It comes from Anton Chekhov’s famous book writing advice: ‘If you say in the first chapter that there is a rifle hanging on the wall, in the second or third chapter it absolutely must go off. If it’s not going to be fired, it shouldn’t be hanging there.’

Modern-day novel writing Novel writing tips Writing advice

Writer’s tip: Avoid passive voice

It’s an often given writer’s tip, but few tips for writers cause as much confusion as the caution to avoid passive voice. Understanding what passive voice is and why it should be avoided can clear up this confusion.

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