Books and reading Modern-day novel writing Writing advice

Creating mood like Haruki Murakami

Mood has a great deal to do with the success of a piece of fiction because it is related to how the story makes the reader feel. A writer aiming for a melancholy or surreal mood in fiction could study the novels of Japanese writer Haruki Murakami for tips on how to achieve those moods.

Fantasy writing Writing advice

What The Hobbit characters teach us about character development

If J.R.R. Tolkien knows how to do one thing, it’s create characters that readers love. Luckily, he also knows how to create wonderful worlds and engaging plot twists, too, but it’s the characters who really stick with you after reading one of his books.

Writing advice

Editing tips from Raymond Carver

There are at least two versions of Raymond Carver’s collection What We Talk About When We Talk About Love. This gives us a unique opportunity to compare the writer’s original work with the edited stories. Read on for editing tips from Raymond Carver and the history of his editors:

Writing advice

Tips from Ernest Hemingway’s short stories

Writers of all genres and styles can learn a great deal from reading the works of one of the greatest writers of the twentieth century.

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