Modern-day novel writing Romance Writing Writing Motivation

Top ten romance novels: Books to inspire you

In order to write great romance novels, you need to read great romance novels. Below is a list of successful top ten romance novels spanning subgenres from classic literature to contemporary.

Modern-day novel writing Novel writing tips Writing Motivation

Why write a novel? Twitter tells us

Why is writing a book a dream for so many people, and so satisfying for others? There are a number of reasons…

Modern-day novel writing Self-publishing Writing advice

Writing feedback: How to get helpful critiques

One of the challenges for us all as writers is getting good feedback on our writing, especially early in our career. You can get feedback for free or you can pay for it, and you can get it from peers or from professionals. To get feedback on your writing:

Modern-day novel writing Novel writing tips Writing Motivation

Writing memoir: Three things to learn from Anne Lamott

Writing memoir often means writing about family and other real people. Lamott’s honesty and self-deprecating humour are instructive to any writer interested in tackling the memoir form. Here are three things you can learn about writing memoir from Lamott:

Modern-day novel writing Novel writing tips Writing advice

Turning notes into a novel

Turning notes into a novel, a publishable manuscript, can seem daunting. Despite this, the tips below will help you develop your notes into a book.

Books and reading Modern-day novel writing Writing advice

Dan Brown: 10 tips for writing bestselling suspense

Dan Brown, author of The Da Vinci Code among other books, is one of the top-selling authors of all time. What can aspiring authors learn from his success?

Modern-day novel writing Self-publishing Writing advice

How to start writing a memoir: 10 secrets

Knowing how to start writing a memoir is important if you want to write autobiographical books that hook readers. From humorists like David Sedaris to more serious memoirists, the best memoir writers know how to treat their personal stories with the creativity of a fiction author.

Modern-day novel writing Self-publishing Writing advice

How to copyright your novel: Protecting your IP

Wikipedia aka ‘Big Brother’ tells us that copyright is a legal concept, giving the creator of an original work, exclusive rights to it. It could be images, poems, audio recordings, designs, movies … and your book of course.

Book marketing Modern-day novel writing Writing advice

J.K. Rowling on how to publish a book

If there’s one person we should all be taking writing advice from, it’s J.K. Rowling. Not only did she manage to write a book that spawned a … Read More

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