Modern-day novel writing Now Novel Writing Motivation

5 ways to ensure you will write every week

A consistent dedication to writing regularly is often what separates the successful writers from the unsuccessful ones. Below are five ways to ensure you will write every week until you finish your novel.

Modern-day novel writing Writing advice

The value of beta readers: how to find and benefit from them

The breakdown of the traditional publishing model and increasing popularity of e-readers has opened up enormous opportunity for self published authors.

Character writing Modern-day novel writing Novel writing tips Writing advice

Character posture: How to describe characters’ bearing

When we think about describing a character, we often think of listing items like hair colour, eye colour and body type. Character posture is important too. Here are tips on using posture to bring out what makes each of your fictional characters uniquely interesting:

Modern-day novel writing Novel writing tips Writing advice

Creating a fantasy world? Ask 10 questions

Your fantasy world must be grounded in a history and abide by certain rules in order to persuade your readers to suspend their disbelief when you bring in magic, fantastical beasts and other implausible elements.

Book marketing Books and reading Modern-day novel writing Writing Motivation

Novel writing tips: Guest interview with published author Caroline Sandon

1.    When did you first start writing?      I started writing when I was about five, usually poems for my father’s birthday cards, it progressed from there. At … Read More

Modern-day novel writing Romance Writing Writing Motivation

Top ten romance novels: Books to inspire you

In order to write great romance novels, you need to read great romance novels. Below is a list of successful top ten romance novels spanning subgenres from classic literature to contemporary.

Modern-day novel writing Novel writing tips Writing Motivation

Why write a novel? Twitter tells us

Why is writing a book a dream for so many people, and so satisfying for others? There are a number of reasons…

Modern-day novel writing Self-publishing Writing advice

Writing feedback: How to get helpful critiques

One of the challenges for us all as writers is getting good feedback on our writing, especially early in our career. You can get feedback for free or you can pay for it, and you can get it from peers or from professionals. To get feedback on your writing:

Modern-day novel writing Novel writing tips Writing Motivation

Writing memoir: Three things to learn from Anne Lamott

Writing memoir often means writing about family and other real people. Lamott’s honesty and self-deprecating humour are instructive to any writer interested in tackling the memoir form. Here are three things you can learn about writing memoir from Lamott:

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