Learning how to write Novel writing tips Story Development Writing advice Writing craft

How to write a novel using the Save the Cat! method

The name of this writing method is certainly both intriguing and memorable. We delve into what this method entails

Plotting Story Development

170 plot development questions (plus worksheet)

Brainstorm plot intrigues with 100 questions for plotting from beginning to end, plus an extra seventy on the seven basic plots in a free worksheet.

Character writing Story Development

100 character development questions to inspire deeper arcs

Character development questions about goals, motivations, conflicts, fears, typical habits, personality and more help build rich characterization. Read 100 questions.

Series writing Story Development

How to write a sequel that satisfies: Simple guide

Learning how to write a sequel that satisfies fans will ensure that your audience grows as your backlist does. Learn more.

Plotting Story Development

How to create a plot and guarantee a better story

Acclaimed authors have often said that it’s not plot that matters, but rather story. Yet knowing how to create a plot that uses universal storytelling elements such as action and reaction, incident and coincidence, helps you grab and keep your reader’s attention. Learn how to come up with a plot for a better story:

Finding ideas Story Development

How to develop a story idea: 7 essential exercises

Learning how to develop a story idea comes with practice and staying curious. These 7 story development exercises will help you ask questions and flesh out rudimentary ideas with greater substance and detail:

Character writing Story Development

How to develop a character: 7 simple steps

Knowing how to develop a character so your reader invests in them and believes their journey is key to writing great character-driven stories. Try these 7 simple steps to begin creating affecting, intriguing character arcs:

Character writing Story Development

How to write character development: Anil’s Ghost

In learning how to write character development, it’s helpful to think about how each element of storytelling contributes. What are the basic facts about your character the reader should know, going in? What does dialogue do to develop your character further? Action? Narration? Description? Their desires and fears?

Plotting Story Development

What are the elements of plot development?

What are the elements of plot development to remember when crafting a story? Read about 7 key elements of plot:

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