Writing groups Writing Process

How an online writers’ community grows skill

An online writers’ community helps you grow in your craft and process in many ways. Learn reasons to join and actively participate in a critique circle.

Editing Writing advice Writing groups

How to give constructive feedback on writing that rocks

Knowing how to give great feedback (and also how to spot writing feedback that serves rather than shuts down) is crucial for author growth. Learn more about helpful vs unhelpful feedback.

Editing Writing groups

How to write critiques: An easy A to Z

Learning how to write critiques is a valuable skill to master, whether you’re in a writing group or are an aspiring editor. But how do you write a useful, constructive critique of another writer, especially if you feel ‘unqualified’ (a concern less experienced members of our writing groups have shared in the past)? Here’s a simple A to Z to help:

Writing groups Writing support

How to find a writing group plus 7 pros of workshops

A writing group offers many perks. Mutual encouragement, greater accountability to your writing goals, and more. Read more about how to find a writing group and why it’ll make you a better, more productive writer:

Writing groups Writing Motivation

Now Novel online writing groups: Improve your writing

Writing groups on the web are so popular because they provide a space to share work and get helpful feedback, wherever you are. This helps you stay focused on your writing goals. Unsure of whether or not you should join an online writing group? Here are five reasons why it could be the best choice you’ll make for your starting and finishing your story:

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