Romance Writing

How to write romantic novels: 9 bestseller insights

Learning how to write romantic novels requires understanding the key ingredients of a great love story. Read 9 insights from 10 top romance novels that show how to write romance that is marketable and affecting:

Finding ideas Romance Writing

Story ideas: Romance brainstorming in 8 easy steps

Looking for the kind of story ideas romance directors dream of? You could grow your idea from a ‘meet cute’ scenario. Or find what drives a natural (or unlikely) duo’s mutual attraction. Try these 8 simple steps to develop a memorable romantic story or arc:

Romance Writing Writing Genres

How to write love stories: 7 romance novelists’ wisdom

Successful romance novelists offer many insights into how to write love stories that hook readers. Read 7 quotes that give insights into telling great love stories:

Romance Writing

Finding story ideas romance hasn’t exhausted: 7 sources

Seeking original story ideas romance hasn’t done to death? Try these 7 approaches to finding romance story inspiration:

Character writing Romance Writing

How to write romance that feels real

Learning how to write romance that feels real is important if you want readers to believe your love story. Read the following tips on how to write chemistry, compatibility, complexity and other key elements of real relationships:

Romance Writing

How to plot a romance novel: 6 tips to sizzle

In a romance novel narrative suspense and tension keep your reader turning pages. Knowing how to plot a romance novel means mastering romantic tension and several other key elements of a beautiful love story (or twisted romance). Try these 6 tips to make your romance gripping:

Romance Writing

Romance story ideas: 5 tips for affecting arcs

Inspiration for romance story ideas is everywhere. From news headlines (TV actresses marrying members of the British royal family) to a sweet interaction you might witness in a restaurant. How can you develop a strong, affecting romance story idea? Read the following tips and use them to create interesting romantic arcs:

Romance Writing Writing Genres

How to write a romance novel: Avoid romance writing mistakes

Writing romance is perennially popular, and romance novels continue to sell in great numbers. Learn how to write a romance novel and avoid clichés in your love story ideas, themes and characters. Start with these 9 romance writing tips:

Romance Writing Writing Genres

How to write a romantic book: 5 mistakes to avoid

Learning how to write a romantic book also means learning to avoid common romance writing mistakes. The best romance writers excel at finding romantic story ideas and fleshing them out with memorable character relationships. Here are 5 romance writing mistakes to avoid:

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