Editing Writing groups

How to write critiques: An easy A to Z

Learning how to write critiques is a valuable skill to master, whether you’re in a writing group or are an aspiring editor. But how do you write a useful, constructive critique of another writer, especially if you feel ‘unqualified’ (a concern less experienced members of our writing groups have shared in the past)? Here’s a simple A to Z to help:

Editing Writing style

How to fix passive voice (and other common issues)

Knowing how to fix passive voice and other common grammar and style issues ensures a cleaner, more impactful draft. Read 7 tips for improving weak writing style:


Proofreader tips: 10 paths to a tidier draft

Many books – self-published and traditionally published – could benefit from having had further editing. Here are 10 proofreader tips for a polished draft:


7 ways developmental editing elevates your work

Completing the draft of a story is a great achievement. Yet ‘Now what?’ often follows. Developmental editing is valuable for enhancing your manuscript (and your writing skills in general). Comprehensive developmental editing helps you:


Editing and revising: 7 tips from top authors and editors

Editing and revising are often seen as the ‘slog’ part of writing. Yet there is imagination and creativity in this stage of writing, too. Read 7 respected authors’ and editors’ ideas and methods:

Editing Writing Process

Editing copy? 8 tips for a word-perfect manuscript

Finishing a draft of your manuscript brings with it a fantastic feeling of accomplishment. Yet great books are made in the writing and editing process. Editing copy for common SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) errors, stylistic gaffes such as tautology, and other flaws will help you strip your story down to its most compelling elements.


Editing your writing: How to double your efficiency

This is a guest contribution by Lisa Lepki, editor at ProWritingAid.


Using a book editor: How to get more value

This is a guest contribution by publishing network Reedsy, a succinct guide to working with a book editor. If you’re not quite at the editing and publishing stage yet, join Now Novel for help planning and finishing your novel.

Editing Writing Process

How to edit your novel: 8 simple steps

Learning how to edit your novel before a professional editor even sees it is smart. When there are fewer minor errors, a hired editor can focus on large-scale issues: Plot holes and inconsistencies and issues of style and tone. To edit your own writing, try these 8 simple steps:

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