What you get

with your once-off payment:

  • Lifetime access to outline and organize your stories using Now Novel’s dashboard
  • Create, brainstorm and organize scenes and chapters using the Scene Builder
  • Create unlimited stories and connect unlimited devices to your account
  • Subscriber newsletter with exclusive news, resources and insights
  • Exclusive access to monthly live webinars and a growing recorded archive of tips on writing craft, process, publishing and more

Now Novel icon - thumbs up with star representing our easy and helpful process

Get all the benefits and write for life:

Now Novel icon - lightbulb representing helpful story outline


Start and stay focused with outlining and brainstorming tools that help you develop your best ideas. See recommended reading and examples as you go and hone your writing craft.

Now Novel icon - planning representing organising your ideas


Create story structure from the start. Answer concise prompts to add details of plot, character and setting to a private, comprehensive outline that's generated as you go.

Now Novel icon - checklist representing our easy tools


Use the simple step-by-step process to find and summarize your core idea. Build story arcs and your characters' world as you complete a focused, flexible outlining process.

Now Novel icon - like representing motivation


Get exclusive monthly live webinars with Q&As, and extra accountability, plus critique feedback in online writing groups.


Dashboard screenshot with a mobile phone | Now Novel

Use your flexible outlining tool whenever and wherever you like without monthly subscriptions.


Story Outline PDF | Now Novel

Outline in advance in simple steps and create a purpose-driven plan to finish writing your story.


Groups feed screenshot | Now Novel

Get advice in groups, webinars, plus more feedback when you add on editing or coaching.

How you’ll develop your ideas

You'll have continuous access to a suite of story outlining tools. Using prompts, articles and callbacks to what you've brainstormed already, develop a story outline in easy steps that grows as your ideas do. Then use the Scene Builder to plan scenes with drag-and-drop, tagging and filtering. See the arcs, actions and reactions of your story laid out the way you want.

Does lifetime membership include writing feedback?

It includes peer feedback in our free-to-join community with the added perk of being able to submit longer pieces for critique and more simultaneous submissions in review than if you have a basic/free account. If you would like professional editorial feedback, The Process plan includes weekly feedback from an editor, or you can purchase private editing at any time billed per word.

Finish your book like Joe and Kate

Joe Byrd: a Now Novel success story

Successfuly author Joe Byrd video testimonial for Now Novel
Tangled Fortunes by Kate Baucherel

"It all boosted my confidence and kept me writing until the end of the story".

Novel: Tangled Fortunes
Publisher: Sixth Element

Kate Baucherel

Kate Baucherel, successful Now Novel author

Now Novel icon - people representing testimonials

What Now Novel members love:

I have at least a dozen novels I plan on writing for the next few years and I wouldn't be confident in even starting them unless I was equipped with Now Novel.

— Eric

Paying a subscription has given me full access to the Dashboard on the site which helps enormously in order to collate all my ideas in one place.

— Christine

I didn't know where to start. Now Novel came to the rescue. I used the tools to define my characters and posted excerpts for peer review. Since those first tentative steps I have had three novels (the SimCavalier sci fi series) and four short stories published.

— Kate

Thank you, this tool is amazing and I'm finally able to lay all of this out in a way that is accessible to me. I'm seeing patterns that I hadn't noticed before and I'm able to restructure the entire story.

— Josh

I'm grateful for Now Novel that has greatly helped me work on my goal of writing a novel... I'm loving their process and the strong support of my coach and look forward to the process moving forward in the coming months. Plus it's just plain fun

— Ryan

I'm so glad to have a novel blueprint... and I love the way it reappears when needed during the writing process. And all of the truly helpful articles (that's how I found Now Novel). I now feel like I have a chance at finishing a well structured (readable) novel. Very exciting.

— Nick
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An online novel writing course that's tailor-made to get you to actually write that book you've been thinking about.

Oprah Magazine

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