Dialogue Writing

With Romy Sommer • (free preview)

Learn how to write good dialogue that is full of purpose and four key functions of dialogue.

In this webinar, follow coach Romy Sommer as she teaches you about writing effective dialogue and how to format it properly. Complete the writing exercises as you go to practice the key concepts she discusses.


About the speakers
Romy Sommer - Now Novel Writing Coach and Editor
Romy Sommer
  • Author of seven novels published by HarperCollins London, as well as seven self-published titles
  • Founder of ROSA (Romance writers Organisation of South Africa)
  • First South African to be nominated for the prestigious RWA Rita® Award

Kickstart your Novel is a six-week course that will help you write three focused first chapters and your story’s synopsis with feedback from an experienced writing coach.


Upcoming schedule

Wednesday 31 July 2024
08:00 PDT / 11:00 EDT / 16:00 BST / 17:00 SAST
How poetry can kickstart your writing
Wednesday 21 August 2024
08:00 PDT / 11:00 EDT / 16:00 BST / 17:00 SAST
First Pages Panel
See full schedule

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Recommended reading

Making dialogue sound natural
While dialogue isn't real speech, but a form of stylized speech, it still needs to sound as natural and authentic as possible. Read on for ways to achieve this
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Voices on the page: points to consider when writing dialogue
The central job of dialogue in a novel is to move the plot forward, provide exposition and reveal who the characters are. Read on for some ways to write dialogue
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Dialogue writing examples from top books vs AI (2023)
Dialogue writing examples from popular reads and AI teach us interesting things about what makes human-written dialogue better, juicier with voice, viewpoint, and balance between elements. Learn more.
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