Writing groups Writing Process

How an online writers’ community grows skill

An online writers’ community helps you grow in your craft and process in many ways. Learn reasons to join and actively participate in a critique circle.

Writing Inspiration Writing prompts

50 fun group writing exercises

Group writing exercises you can do with your writing circle or critique group are a fun ice-breaker and a way to get creative ideas flowing. Read 50 ‘fill in the blank’ creative writing prompts.

Editing Writing advice Writing groups

How to give constructive feedback on writing that rocks

Knowing how to give great feedback (and also how to spot writing feedback that serves rather than shuts down) is crucial for author growth. Learn more about helpful vs unhelpful feedback.

Editing Writing groups

How to write critiques: An easy A to Z

Learning how to write critiques is a valuable skill to master, whether you’re in a writing group or are an aspiring editor. But how do you write a useful, constructive critique of another writer, especially if you feel ‘unqualified’ (a concern less experienced members of our writing groups have shared in the past)? Here’s a simple A to Z to help:

Writing groups Writing support

How to find a writing group plus 7 pros of workshops

A writing group offers many perks. Mutual encouragement, greater accountability to your writing goals, and more. Read more about how to find a writing group and why it’ll make you a better, more productive writer:

Writing Motivation Writing Process

7 ways to stop saying ‘my writing sucks’ and write a book

‘My writing sucks’ is easy to tell yourself, but this is a story that all too often ends in writer’s block. Instead, use these 7 tips to find a way through self-doubt and just write your novel:

Writing coaching Writing Motivation Writing Process

How can I get help writing a book? 7 tips

If you’ve always wanted to write a novel but don’t know where to start, or you start writing your book and get stuck, you’re probably asking ‘How can I get help writing a book?’ It’s easy to find help with each part of writing.

Finding ideas Writing Inspiration

How to get inspired to write: 8 effective approaches

Knowing how to get inspired to write quickly will help you rediscover your creative spark when you feel stuck. Here are 8 ways to reconnect with your storytelling gift:

Writing Motivation Writing Process

End writing procrastination now: 7 steps

What if you could stop procrastinating now and start or finish writing a book? We recently asked you what your largest writing challenges were. Many of you responded that procrastination keeps you from fulfilling your dream of finishing a novel. In this post you can read 7 steps to take to end writing procrastination and become a focused, motivated writer:

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