Novel writing tips Writing advice

How to write suspense like The Hunger Games

Though written as a YA novel, The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins was a big hit with readers of all ages. One key to its success was its use of suspense, and we can examine it to learn how to write suspense ourselves.

Fantasy writing Science fiction writing Writing Genres

The difference between fantasy and science fiction

The difference between the fantasy and science fiction genres hasn’t always been an issue. However, there are a few key differences in the genres that can help us to separate one type of book from the other in the ‘science fiction vs fantasy’ debate.

Modern-day novel writing Novel writing tips Writing advice

Creating a fantasy world? Ask 10 questions

Your fantasy world must be grounded in a history and abide by certain rules in order to persuade your readers to suspend their disbelief when you bring in magic, fantastical beasts and other implausible elements.

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