Character writing

Character flaws: Creating lovable imperfections

Character flaws serve multiple purposes. Often, they’re the faults and shortcomings that create conflict between key players in a story. Yet flaws are also useful for creating attraction between characters. Without them, characters feel wooden, ‘too perfect’. Without them, attraction might seem too instant. Here are types of flaws that make characters interesting:

Novel writing tips Writing advice

How to write suspense like The Hunger Games

Though written as a YA novel, The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins was a big hit with readers of all ages. One key to its success was its use of suspense, and we can examine it to learn how to write suspense ourselves.

Fantasy writing Writing advice

What The Hobbit characters teach us about character development

If J.R.R. Tolkien knows how to do one thing, it’s create characters that readers love. Luckily, he also knows how to create wonderful worlds and engaging plot twists, too, but it’s the characters who really stick with you after reading one of his books.

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