Novel research Novel writing tips Self-publishing Writing advice

Writing a novel: 7 tips from bestselling authors

Writing a novel requires that you pay attention to the many elements of a book that factor into whether or not it is an excellent read. Great … Read More

Book marketing Self-publishing

How to build a book audience: 6 smart methods

How can you build a book audience for your writing? These six strategies will take you from creating a core audience to expanding well beyond that initial group of readers:

Modern-day novel writing Self-publishing Writing advice

Writing feedback: How to get helpful critiques

One of the challenges for us all as writers is getting good feedback on our writing, especially early in our career. You can get feedback for free or you can pay for it, and you can get it from peers or from professionals. To get feedback on your writing:

Modern-day novel writing Self-publishing Writing advice

How to start writing a memoir: 10 secrets

Knowing how to start writing a memoir is important if you want to write autobiographical books that hook readers. From humorists like David Sedaris to more serious memoirists, the best memoir writers know how to treat their personal stories with the creativity of a fiction author.

Modern-day novel writing Self-publishing Writing advice

How to copyright your novel: Protecting your IP

Wikipedia aka ‘Big Brother’ tells us that copyright is a legal concept, giving the creator of an original work, exclusive rights to it. It could be images, poems, audio recordings, designs, movies … and your book of course.

Self-publishing Writing Motivation

Top 10 writing contests: Prestige and prizes

One of the best ways to get recognised as a writer is to enter a writing competition.  Of course you are not guaranteed to win, but if you do you will be able to use that to add to your credibility once you are ready to publish – it is also great practice!

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